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Overpassautoclaved aerated concrete blockPrice is bullish
edit:0Times | Browse:6Times Entry creator:263HP148803710     Creation time:06-09 13:49
label: Overpassautoclaved aerated concrete block

Summary:   The following standards contain provisions that constitute the provisions of this standard by reference in this stand[Read the full text]

Overpassautoclaved aerated concrete blockImprove the efficiency of production and processing
edit:0Times | Browse:75Times Entry creator:263HP148803710     Creation time:05-13 05:04
label: Overpassautoclaved aerated concrete block

Summary:  If the purchasing unit needs other specifications, they can negotiate with the production factory to determine.  as th[Read the full text]

Overpassautoclaved aerated concrete blockLow-speed spindle unit structure design
edit:0Times | Browse:20Times Entry creator:263HP148803710     Creation time:04-20 02:25
label: Overpassautoclaved aerated concrete block

Summary:   Blocks are divided into three levels based on dimensional deviation, appearance quality, volumetric density, and comp[Read the full text]

Overpassautoclaved aerated concrete blockApplication in the market
edit:0Times | Browse:49Times Entry creator:263HP148803710     Creation time:03-07 21:51
label: Overpassautoclaved aerated concrete block

Summary:   The following standards contain provisions that constitute the provisions of this standard by reference in this stand[Read the full text]

Overpassautoclaved aerated concrete blockMethod of weighing
edit:0Times | Browse:77Times Entry creator:263HP148803710     Creation time:02-17 04:15
label: Overpassautoclaved aerated concrete block

Summary:  There are seven strength levels: A, A A, A, A, A, and A  as the main raw materials, with an appropriate amount of aera[Read the full text]