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EsmeraldaSolid wood multilayer flooring brandHow to judge the quality
edit:0Times | Browse:104Times Entry creator:709HP180518493     Creation time:05-07 00:31
label: EsmeraldaSolid wood multilayer flooring brand

Summary:Some people say this method is unscientific and laminate flooring can&#;t soak in water, but I have done some experiment[Read the full text]

EsmeraldaSolid wood multilayer flooring brandShielding protection conditions
edit:0Times | Browse:97Times Entry creator:709HP180518493     Creation time:04-18 12:07
label: EsmeraldaSolid wood multilayer flooring brand

Summary:In order to better prevent excessive water from penetrating into the inner layer of wood floor, when selecting floor cle[Read the full text]

EsmeraldaSolid wood multilayer flooring brandChemical composition and characteristics
edit:0Times | Browse:222Times Entry creator:409HP184720764     Creation time:04-18 06:07
label: EsmeraldaSolid wood multilayer flooring brand

Summary: Solid wood flooring.The key injury of formaldehyde is mainly manifested in the stimulation of skin and mucous membrane.[Read the full text]